Are you tired of chasing after borrowers to collect loan payments? Do you find yourself buried in paperwork and mandates, making the loan assessment process time-consuming and frustrating? Well, it’s time to say goodbye to all these stories and hello to Lidya Collect!

Lidya Collect is a fully digital platform that is designed to address the challenges that lenders face when it comes to collecting loan payments. But don’t let the technical jargon scare you – Lidya Collect is incredibly user-friendly and easy to use.

With Lidya Collect, borrowers can complete the loan assessment process quickly and easily without going to a bank physically. And as a lender, you can integrate Lidya Collect with your existing processes or operate it as a stand-alone platform – whichever works best for you.

But perhaps the most exciting thing about Lidya Collect is its results: it helps lenders achieve a 99% collection rate. That’s right – Lidya Collect ensures that you get paid and get paid on time. It automates the collection process, so you don’t have to waste time manually following up with borrowers. Plus, mandates are active for over a year or until the entire value is collected. And if you ever need help, Lidya Collect’s friendly customer service team is always ready to assist you.

Blue-chip customers like Accion trust Lidya Collect, and it’s easy to see why. It’s a user-friendly, entirely digital platform that streamlines the loan assessment and collection process, giving you more time to focus on what matters most – growing your business.

Here are just a few reasons why you’re going to love it:

  1. Automate Collections: Say goodbye to the days of tedious manual collection processes. With Lidya Collect’s automated direct debit mandate, you can sit back, focus on the core part of your business, and let the system do the work. You’ll have more time to focus on the things that
    matter, like growing your business!

  2. Get Paid Faster: Who doesn’t love getting paid? With Lidya Collect, you’ll get paid on time, every time, with no delays. That means more money in your pocket and more opportunities to grow your loan books.

  3. Simplify Payments: Lidya Collect makes payments a breeze for your customers, so they’ll love you even more! The process is simple, frictionless, and oh-so-easy. You’ll have happy customers and a happier life.

  4. Multiple Account Collections: Easily collect payments from all your customers’ accounts! With Lidya Collect, you can manage all your collections from one place and never miss a payment again. It’s like having a personal assistant, but way more fun!

  5. Team Management: With Lidya Collect, you can free up your team’s time and reduce their workload. That means more smiles, laughter, and fun in the workplace!

So why wait? Sign up for Lidya Collect today and revolutionize your lending business. Say goodbye to the frustration of collecting loan payments and hello to a better, more efficient way of doing business.


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